Double drawn lace front wig is a great choice if the hair you are after is that of volume and glamour.Double drawn lace front wigs are made of double drawn hair wefts.Workers remove shorter hairs and cut hair ends by hands to make the full bundle in the same length and fullness from top to bottom.This means that if you were to purchase an 18" wig and measure hair length from roots to tips, the majority of hairs (around 95% ) would be the same 18 inches.


Double Drawn Lace Front Wig


What is the difference between single drawn hair and double drawn hair?


Single drawn hair is the standard thickness and is a very popular choice for hair extension wearers. A standard bundle of single drawn hair will contain around 50% full-length hairs, and 50% shorter length hairs.This means that the hair will be thick at the tip of the bundle and then taper off slightly towards the end.Double drawn hair means that within a bundle of hair, the majority of shorter hairs are removed and replaced with longer hairs.


In order to provide best quality lace front wigs, we designed the double drawn lace front wig.It will allow you to achieve a thicker and more natural look. There are many benefits of using a double drawn lace front wig
1.All One Length, No Short Hairs
2.220% High Density, Fuller Ends
3.Ease Of Maintenance
4.Longer lifespan